Studio, hall or zoom seem like the right place But what if you could move in another space Maybe somewhere not so expected A flash of hundred on island shore Arching cat in green field, outdoor Mermaid tourist picture on castle wall, Lochside Teaser, only sound is the heron call Afghan desert camouflaged far from home Familiar moves connected no matter how far I roamed. When you feel the need It's even enough to raise your arms and breath.
Doing and sharing your thing in a different space can be heart lifting and bring a special feeling. A Shared "feelgood" with another world, another place, another time.
Where have you done your moves? Where will you do your moves?
You can practise wherever you are. Take a moment, move and "stay in tune" somewhere different this spring and summer.
Maybe share them with us all!
Looking forward to hearing and seeing some moves in different places. View places and times as opportunities to get in a move.