Appreciating the changes in and around us.
Recent times have been surreal. We have had to adapt to many new aspects of daily life, like wearing masks for example. They have become the "new normal", we often automatically put them on. When walking around with others wearing masks, we accept this situation as the current "normal". Can you remember when you first started your movement practice? How awkward, unusual and difficult the breathing techniques we asked you to do was, how you suddenly realised different parts of y
our body didn't behave as you requested! How "Roll like a Ball" was more "Tumble like a Brick"! But a will to do, perseverance, time, practise, ( good coaching!), and after a while these became easier, second nature or the "new normal". You were soon fine tuning and appreciating these skills, and how they felt good. You are not trying to master them anymore, you were the master and able to explore and appreciate them. For example, your "Roll like a Ball" progresses to "The Seal", as you become more controlled and can pause to clap your feet. Doing the moves in a fam
iliar way, being used to your time and place to move,like the studio, become familiar and allow for another stage of your practice. This change is "neuroplasticity". The ability for the nervous system to change, the wonderful way we, as humans adapt through the most important system we have, our nervous system. It is not just the control and physical changes of muscles and other parts of the body, it is also our thoughts and attitudes that
change. We are less worried about moving, we feel confident and enjoy and appreciate our bodies with increased awareness. Our mood improves with it. So our minds are shaped too, with our ongoing practice. We are constantly evolving into "new normals" and this influences our world, and the world and people around us. Take a moment and think about how yo
u can do some things that were difficult, and now are second nature. How you feel good after a class or a few moments going through some skills you have learnt. Appreciate, embrace and flow with your "new normals".