Simple, a homemade swing on an Island.
Coming ashore for a break on a recent paddle around one of our amazing Islands, I came across this wee spot next to an isolated cottage. Many of you will know this Scottish scene, repeated in so many places.
I could almost hear the squeals of delight, smiles on faces and happy energy of those who have swung and had fun here, over time. Young and old. Small swinging oscillations for the unsure, big legs swinging, head back swings for the bold. All wrapped in views out to sea, with its constant changing canvas, from brush strokes of breeze, waves or tide. Maybe a sail going by, or if lucky, a timid otter looking for lunch on the shoreline.
A reminder of simple, but deeply felt pleasures. When you are away from your normal surroundings, with all your favourite comforts, aids and "things", or our fab studio equipment and familiar surroundings. Just have a mat or grass beneath you.
Take the moment. Immerse yourself in the simpleness of what you have, where you are and how it feels. Move or sit (or swing), as you feel you want to. Mindful Movement is moving as you feel you want to.